

Please study the following sentences and make corrections:-

  1. I asked for the way to the bank.  
    * We use "ask for + Noun (N)" when the object of the verb is something that is given.  When the object is something that a person tells you, use "ask + N" instead.
  2. I requested for your assistance.
    * "request + N"
  3. We are seeing each other on next Thursday.
    * "on Thursday" or "next Thursday"; Prepositions are not generally used with "next".
  4. I won beat him at poker.
    * You win (or lose) a game; but you (or are beaten by) the person you are playing.
  5. One of the books belongs to me.
    * The verb should agree with "one", instead of "books".
  6. I killed him by with a shovel.
    * "By" is used when we talk about an action - when we say what we do to get the result we want; "with" is used we talk an object, a tool, etc - when we say what we use.
  7. You are way very much tolerant than I am.
    * "Very" cannot be used with comparatives, use "much or far" instead.
  8. She isn't very smart, but on the contrary on the other hand she looks gorgeous.
    * compare:
    The job wasn't very interesting, but on the other hand it was well paid. (這份工作不大有趣,但人工不錯。(認同這個工作不大有趣)) 
    "I suppose the job wasn't very interesting?" - "On the contrary, it was fascinating. I loved it."
  9. Whether I go to the party depends of on the weather.
  10. She got divorced last year, in spite of herself.
    * "divorce someone" but "got divorced"
  11. I enjoyed very much at the party last night.
    * "enjoy the party" or "enjoy myself at the party". 
  12. I've had enough of this nonsense.
    * "Enough of" is used before a determiner (article, possessive or demostrative), but "enough" is used when there is no determiner. Compare:
    Is there enough of the blue material?
    Is there enough of blue material?
  13. Purple is the color that fits suit me very well.
    * If your clothes "fit" you, they are the right size, neither too big nor too small; if your clothes "suit" you, they look good on you - the sytle and coloar are both right.
  14. We went to the pub for having a drink.
    * "For + N" or "to + inifinitive" (i.e. We went to the pub to have a drink.) 
  15. Please adviceadvise us by close of play, today.
    * "Advice" is a noun while "advise" is a verb (likewise, "practice" is a noun while "practise" is a verb.  I recall learning this grammar in my F.2.  But to my surpise, I see people making mistakes like this a lot! 
  16. Considering the above, the proposal is recommended I recommend the proposal.
    * It is "I" (not "the proposal" ) who consider the above and recommend the proposal.
  17. You should stop to smoke smoking.
    * "Stop + v-ing" means to stop what one does while "stop + infinitive" means you make a break or pause in order to do something. Compare
    I must stop smoking. (我得戒煙。)
    Every half hour I stop work to smoke.
  18. What was happened?
  19. The report has been completed I have completed the report, which is attached below:-
    * Relative pronouns (e.g. who and which) relates to the noun which comes immediately before it. 
  20. I forget bringing the keys, so I cannot go home right now.
    * "Forget + v-ing" means forget what one has done, or what has happened while "Forget + infinitive" means foget what one has to do.  Compare
    I shall never forget winning the singing contest. (我一生也會記得曾在歌唱比賽勝出。)
    I always forget doing the homework.




"Practical English Usage" by Micheal Swan.



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